
Monday, October 25, 2010

To all my 7 followers and to everyone and anyone who has contributed to a "page view", I thank you all for chipping in words of encouragement to further my passion in expressing Christ's love.

However, I will now transition to WORDPRESS, and end my chapter to my fun and fruitful Blogspot.

You can all catch me at

P.S. Can anyone help me make my wordpress look better?? :DDD

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Great Blog

After receiving a B- on my first essay, I managed to receive A’s on my next two essays.
This will likely be the third.
Did someone say ‘Turkey’?
The prompt for my management class was…

Could you apply the Good to Great Model to CSUN? If you did what would you find?

My Good to Great model defines that everyone possesses the capabilities to become great, but only a few choose to do so. Before we can achieve greatness, we need to be better than good. We can distinguish how to be great by looking at what is good. “We don’t have great schools, principally because we have good schools” (Collins, page 1). I disagree with this statement because CSUN is “good” compared to “great” Ivy League schools. I believe that CSUN concentrates on solving their biggest problems such as budget cuts, and lack the energy and resources towards their biggest opportunities, whereas Harvard’s outlook distinguishes them towards greatness. Attending a good school does not bind me from becoming a great leader.

CSUN can become the best California State University. Therefore, I do not have to confide to its “good” values; instead, I can become a great leader by blending personal humility with professional will. “Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice” (Collins, page 11). My circumstances at CSUN do not dictate whether I choose to be good or great. I choose those qualities for myself. “The transformation [is] a process of buildup followed by breakthrough, broken into three broad stages: disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action” (Collins, page 12). My breakthrough came six months earlier when I decided to pick up the Cross and follow [Jesus] daily. By following Jesus’s disciplined thoughts and actions, I, too, can possess great leadership.

The process of being good to great is a “human problem” more so than an institutionalized problem (Collins, page 16). There are many factors that determine an institution’s status; therefore, not every institution has the opportunity to be great; however, each individual’s “capability resides within them, perhaps buried or ignored, but there nonetheless” (Collins, page 37).

Attending CSUN is not a boundary that excludes me from becoming a level 5 executive. “Level 5 leaders are a study in duality: modest and willful, humble and fearless” (Collins, page 22). I am on the road to becoming a great leader; will I continue to follow it?

Works Cited

Collins, James C. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap–and Others Don’t. New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 2001. Print. *I recommend this book.

As much as I want to transition from good to great, I may get there, I may not.
However, Jesus never transitioned.
He was great from the beginning.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ethics 101

Without sin, there would be no discussion about ethics.
Without mistakes, why mention ethics?

The corporate ladder looks risky to climb when you're at the bottom of a 1,300 feet skyscraper.
Your in front of the stairs; you better be in shape.
When you're climbing it, are you asking where is the top of this thing?
You don't want to go back down because wasted time and opportunity is written in your mind.
The elevator rings. The door opens. It's willing to take you all the way to the top.
All you have to do is get in.
You discover a briefcase, and you open it.
You stare at a contract worth 5 million dollars, and an undisclosed amount of fame, and power.
You press the button, and the door shuts.
You take a deep breath, and you're on your up.

The elevator hid you on your way to an easy victory.
You took the easy way out because you understood ethics.
If you truly understood sin, you would've asked God to help you up the stairs.

People who depend on ethics...

make excuses.
start looking for ways to avoid consequence.
think that doing good will erase their past mistakes.
say, "Bring it on, media".
are comfortable in the court house.
make lieing as easy as telling the truth.
are a slave to the Devil.

Sadly, those who twist the meaning of SIN are no different.

The corporate ladder is not absolutely vertical.
It's angled, intentionally engaging you to the top.

In business, ethics seem to a forefront issue.
And in every profession, good ethics seem to recognize you as the good apple.
The bad apple is tainted with marks and bruises because he or she was not ethical.

Separation of church and state dumbs down SIN into ETHICS.

Ethics delves into the idea that we are good people that tend to sometimes make bad choices.
Oh, ethics sounds so forgiving.
My mind and body craves ethics.

Society's cure to depravity is to beat around the bush from the truth.
Sin is supposed to make you feel uncomfortable.
Sin is the kryptonite for flesh.

Congratulations, everyone passes ethics.
Next Fall, we will be learning about sin.
There will be no curve.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Know God, know life.
No God, no life.

Know God, Know Peace.
No God, No Peace.

Know God, know Perfection.
Know that we can never attain it.
Know that we can strive to be the original image as God's children, yet know that you may be cropping yourself from true completion.

Know God, know Heaven.
No God, no Heaven.
God Knows Hell.

Satan knows he is a fallen angel.
Satan knows he is running out of time before Jesus comes back to restore order.
Satan knows he can never escape his surroundings.

Know God, Know Love.
NO God, no Love.

Know God, know forgiveness.
No God, No Forgiveness.

Know God, Know Grace.
No God, NO grace.

Know God, Know Mercy
No God, No mercy.

Know God knows more about us than we will ever know about ourselves.
Without God's presence, we have no meaning in life.

Know that Jesus would stop and seek every one he encountered for who they were.
Know that Jesus observes from the inside out. Know that He is the First and the Last.

You may know a lot of things, but Knowledge is useless without God's provision.
Some people's shelter have been knowledge.
One day God will test your heart with fire. Will your shelter hold up then?
Apart from Faith, know that knowledge is deceiving.
Knowledge apart from God has been proven to be evil. Ask Genesis 3.

Know why Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and you will know human's depraved nature.

A stairway of books leads nowhere.
That foundation will crumble.
You will fall.

Know and confess that you are not God.
Know that you will never beat God.
Know that He is searching for you.

Know yourself, but Know God more.
Know God more through faith and belief in His Salvation.
Believe in His Salvation, and you will surely repent.

For I once was lost, but (k)now I'm found.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Become My Embrace

World English Dictionary labels a "cheater" as one who deceives especially for one's own gain.

Cheating stems from our selfishness, our desire for temporary pleasure.

God's outstretched arms are ready to hug you. Don't cherish a different idol.

Are we valuing relationships or looking for ways to cheat?

Everyone is careful to not cheat on their boyfriends/ girlfriends...

How does God feel when you cheat on Him?

If you don't have a relationship with God,
you've never experienced Agape Love.

We say we love God. But, our heart is elsewhere.
We are deceiving God and ourselves thinking that we love.
We don't love, we use.

I should have never had girlfriends in the past.
I've cheated on God.
I told him I loved Him.
Why did I expect to do better for my girlfriend?

God forGIVEs to give you another chance.
God's Mercy keeps bailing you out.
Push enough wrong buttons, and His wrath will keep you in jail.

"Ask and you shall receive" has been a primary method for us to manipulate God's love. We tell God that we love Him only to lie again.

"I was so wrong, for so long, Only tryin' to please myself
[Lord], I was caught up in [world's] lust, when I don't want anyone else. So,I know I should've treated you better. But me and you were meant to last forever."

Your phone has died out.
You need an outlet.
Repent earnestly.
Tell him that you'll
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the one who gave it all".

God secures his relationship with you through an uncompromising covenant.
No other relationship can ever fulfill the same promises.
He will never cheat. Will you?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Nostalgia doesn't cross my mind when I eat PB&J's. But it sure does taste good.

Nowadays, you might come back to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because it was stapled into your memory's menu as a kid.

I always come back for good tasting food. Don't you?

There is a diminishing marginal utility when I savor more than three scoops of ice cream at one setting.

Tummy aches occur to teach us to put away our spoons until tomorrow.

Let's say grace and start eating.
There are plenty of blessings to be passed around the table.
In fact, there are always leftovers that we cannot consume.
We should invite others to dine with us.
God cooks, not you.

Jesus ate PB&J's with those who never tasted the goodness before.
Jesus loves sinners, not the sin.

S.P(read) the Gospel, and then SPREAD it.
I'm not only talking about myself.
But, boy it feels good that I am doing so.

This boy knows that the truth tastes good, and he actively makes sandwiches for others.
Consider the world as the bread.
The peanut butter is the God's Word.
The jelly is Love.
The knife is the Spirit to help you spread.

Has the Gospel spread to you?
If it hasn't, I have a sandwich ready for you.

No matter how much I tell you that it tastes great,
you have to experience it for yourselves.

Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste that the Lord is good; blessed is he who takes refuge in Him".

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Written by...

One of the biggest fallacies known to mankind: that life is a journey of trial and error and that we become stronger people by learning from our mistakes.

In actuality:

You only have 1 life to live.

When you write your own life, you only get to write the first draft.

If you're the author of your own life then there shouldn't be so many cross outs and inserts of new discoveries of who you really are.

White out stains are permanent. Erasers leave a smudge.

Sure, make these changes now, but they can't be reapplied to life. Relive? Your memories may show you replays, but the call on the field will stand.

Can editing X amount of years that you've been living give you the awareness to script a better story?
Sometimes, God doesn't produce Hollywood-esque happy endings.
You reap what you sow.

A second time offender for the same mistake seems foolish.
A lot of times, our mistakes are habitual.
Why concentrate on ripping off the dead branches when the root of the problem still exists?

Fundamentally, get down to the root of your writing. We are sinners. We need help. Tutor me, Lord.

Let God be the author of your life.

He designed you so that you would need his guidance in writing your story.
Better yet, give the pen to God so that he can write it for you.
He's so confident that he doesn't need a pencil and eraser.
Chaos and confusion will turn into a chorus.
You can harmonize with the Lord.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tune in...

We all have a MIC to say what we want.

We all have things to say in this world and about this world.

What does the voice of your spirit want to amplify?
Are you confident to project your voice?
Will the angels in Heaven tune in?
Say what you will, but they might change the station.

This is 101.2 Rejoice FM
Live with Sejin Park; it's SageinTime:

Live backwards from the first intention of mankind which was to love and obey and we will find the evil that live inside of us.



(The angel's rejoice; then they tune back to 1979 when Reverend Wade Watts encounters Johnny Lee Clary)

If you have never put 1 Corinthians 13:4 into action then you can learn from the Reverend because his love for Clary was patient and kind.

Clary shouted into the MIC.
The Reverend wiped the spit off the MIC, and then kissed it.

Is there static on your station?
Or are the angels rejoicing?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


If I was someone you didn't know... And we crossed paths on the street...

Would you think that I'm a singer?

A dancer?

An actor?

An athlete?

A model?

I'm not striving to be an image of a mic, moves, movie, money or made molded into a glossy photo.

Instead, associate me to love, compassion and justice.
Or at least I hope I embody this ministry.

Hopefully, I'm not in LOVE with the idea of LOVE, but that it is an anywhere, any day action that I impart to this world.

Am I a compassionate creature that explores a genre of "compassion" only when it's the right thing to do? Or can I find myself to be compassionate like Christ? Again, an anywhere, any day action.

Is there justice in this jewel? Ladies, when you pick a jewel to marry make sure JUSTICE is written across his forehead.

Guys, do the same. Janet's Justice sounds better than Janet's Injustice.

The sound of justice is not what's important because a sound can dissipate if no one hears it.
Do you want to support jewel's that are mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency or blood racketeers?

Is love, compassion and justice in your heart?

We are all God's jewel
Let's wear it on our hearts.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

FIRSTof all...

The equation is simple.
The first person to invent the light bulb = Edison.
The first sight of light came from ___.

The first person to sin = Adam.
The first person to redeem and forgive us = Jesus.

Do you remember...

your first girlfriend/boyfriend?

-your first plane ride?
-when your first tooth fell out?
- Your first teacher?
-Your first best friend?
-your first impression of your first pastor?
the first time you got drunk?
the first time smoked weed?
the first book you read?
the first letter you wrote?
The first time you stole?
The first time you sinned?
The first time you read the Bible?
The first time you cussed out your parents?
The first time you watched porn?
The first time you masturbated?
The first time you lusted?
The first time you prayed?
The first time you received an A?
The first time you received allowance?
The first time sports team you joined?
The first school that you applied for college?
You first time you ever had breakfast in bed?
The first movie you ever saw?
The first time you broke someone's heart?
The first time you cried from watching your parents fight?
The first time you felt that life sucked?
The first time you went to church?
The first time you broke a bone in your body?
The first time you went to the hospital?
The first gift you've ever received?
The first miracle you've ever seen?
The first hug that meant the world to you?
The first compassionate act you've seen?
The first one who called you his/her child?
The first one who ever sacrificed something to you?


Cast your doubts away if you can't remember when your "first" moments were. Just make a bigger bucket list of "FIRST'S" to come.

But be intentional in the fact that the first thing you do may please or upset God.

Do you live according to the adage that praises first place finishers? Here's an applause from the world. Doesn't an applause always die out?

If your aiming to finish first in the world, you may be the first to be cast into the Lake of Fire.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Don't get me wrong, this theory, analogy, or idea may have been used by some pastor in the past, but just in case... I will publish my thoughts.

God's humor is eye opening because he's teasing us to be patient.

Hate traffic? Well it's even worse when you have a driver like my mom controlling the wheels while I'm in a world of frustration in the passenger's seat.

When I think about it, driving in traffic were the times I felt most sure that I would not get into an accident or be pulled over by the PO PO. Mind you that for about 2 years I was driving without a license (still can't get one). But after my second run in with the LAW I decided that enough was enough. My world will always be in the passenger's seat. Jesus, take the wheel.

Give thanksgiving for the traffic in our personal lives. Without it, we would never be disciplined and obedient to God's will and purpose.

Would you rather get a speeding ticket, and follow the consequences of that laborious ticket rather than patiently wait for the traffic to slowly die out? Both circumstances seem unbearable; however, isn't one clearly better than the other?

Everyone runs into traffic; however what is your attitude when it's your car that comes to a halt on the freeway? Are you ready to give up? Want to take a risk on local lanes? Western and Wilshere, anyone?

On the freeway, give up your driver's seat to Jesus, so that you can release the strain of your eyes from pressing onward in the heavy and monotonous buffet of cars.

You feel the car lug forward. Time consuming traffic is no more. Brakes aren't needed any longer. It's so easy to want to drive again when you can pedal "80". Even then, boldly ask God to give you enough constraints in your life so that you can smooth sail "60".

In His waning hours on the Cross, Jesus cries out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34)

Only to realize, that God then fixated Jesus's eyes to cars coming the opposite way. Jesus joys in those who repent and clear away from ways of this world. Those in traffic were once stuck, but now released into the Mercy and Grace of His blood.

The Gate of Heaven has no traffic. I know my God wishes otherwise.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I was actually encouraged to write another blog because a brother told me that he enjoyed reading my posts.

Hair is such an intricate part of one's appearance.

Personally, I feel more versatile with longer hair. I'd favor milkshakes over ice cream any day. Why? Because milkshake contains ice cream, but there's also more of a refreshing taste to it. There is a component to hair that makes length that much sweeter.

Now, I use bobby pins. But it's been a journey like none other to experiment (I put on sour faces sometimes because these experiments should never be tried in front of a mirror).

If you think about it, what else can the woman in the picture do with her hair?

-It's better to bring a jacket and end up not using it than to shiver in the cold.
-It's better to be safe than sorry.
-It's better to obey than to reap the consequences of God's wrath.
-It's been a safe investment in growing out my hair.

Jesus's love is so versatile.

Even if you're not prepared with a jacket in hand,
Jesus will offer you one.
Would you rather look cool or be comforted in the cold?
Jesus will feed you before you get hungry.
"Jesus, will you die on the cross for my sins" was a question that was never raised.
Jesus sacrificed himself on the Cross before anyone asked as a favor.
Jesus's love bends for us because he is such a versatile God.
He is the only human who has ever risen from the dead.

Anyone want to guess the next look to my hair?
What would Jesus do if he was my stylist?

Monday, August 16, 2010

In Response...

My Theory is Valid.

TIME magazine Aug 2, 2010 edition has an article called "The Case Against Summer Vacation".

Being students is our job, and we better do a good job of it if we ever want to get "promoted".

Ethically, you go a long way if you get through your studies without paying the "middle man" or taking steroids.

Being a student is a job at their respective age.

*If so, then why do kids take summer break so lightly?

Do adults take 3 months off from work during the year? Neither should kids.

Education is not seasonal; learning is a lifetime process which can be accomplished on a daily basis.

Does that mean, kids have to be in a classroom setting to learn during the summer?


BUT they must be learning stuff at all times. There are so many ways to learn; students have a voice to be educated; yet they have spoiled themselves to learning in a classroom.

Learn with your imagination. Learn from those who know right from wrong. Learn from injustice.

Learn mannerisms, learn confidence, learn how to smile, learn how to be a good spirit amongst other people. Learn to serve.

Kids, it's only Summer time. Not Summer break.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

SAGE list

It's been a while, but I'm back with a hot topic.

If God willing, this would be my bucket list or "Sage" list until I'm 30 years old.

  • Witness my parents becoming believers in Christ
  • Bench 240 pounds
  • Make it to the Hodori Korean American basketball tournament
  • Write 3 spec scripts
  • Sell 1 script to a company
  • Go backpacking in Yosemite
  • Score 50 points in a game in any basketball league
  • Have a nice job
  • Go to an overseas mission trip
  • Become an intern with the TG program
  • Patent 4 ideas
  • Have at least 1 of those patents be produced into the market
  • Become fluent in Korean
  • Learn to be proficient at playing the piano
  • Buy a car
  • Have two bachelor degrees
  • Have one graduate degree
  • Donate at least $2,500 to One Day's Wages
  • Vacation in Chile and meet my sponsor child
  • Be proficient at snowboarding
  • Eat Filet Mignon
  • Do 100 pushups consecutively
  • Try caviar
  • Create a library of books
  • Do cartwheels
  • Go to a little league baseball game
  • Go to a Final Four basketball game
  • Go to a men's and women's national championship division 1 volleyball game

There are many more to list. Along the way, I long to be a ministering spirit to those around me.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


"Sejin" is within quotation marks because there are so many ways to change it up:

You literally just say Jin: "Say Jin"

MY concept for my line of hybrid motel/hotels that will be launched in the near future: "Sage Inn"

My cool blog name that I invented: "SAGE IN TIME"

Have any more ways to spice up my name? Give me a shoutout!

- "Sage In n' Out"

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mammothian Perspective

So before I can't recollect the specifics of my Mammoth hiking trip from last Thurs - Sunday (7/22 - 7/25), I will share my account of it.

Mammoth has such depth and wonder in the summer time. I think it definitely beats the richness of snow.

I've never gone true hiking before, so my first experience was a Godly addiction for His beauty.

We came across Rainbow Falls and there was no doubt that to me that God's constant outpouring of love was a small representation of the massive waterfall. Near the Devil's Postpile were these gigantic formations of volcanic remnants that created such a visually pleasing observation. The city life provides some sort of organization and similarity whether it's restaurants, office buildings or cars, but the randomness of God's imagination was such a blessing to see.

On the second day, we went through the Ansel Adams' trail that seemed to be endless! About 75% of it seemed to slope dramatically one way meaning that we were screwed if we were to come back up! But how infinite is this land that we live on? My mind kept glorifying His name on this trail because I was a helpless and minuscule figure in such a vast area with impenetrable trees that stood above a bird's comfortable flying zone. And to my amazement there were so many young trees sprouting from the ground waiting to pursue and model after the trees way above them. The long living nature of trees is like our reward in Heaven!

All the ridiculous and funny moments seem more proper to be reminisced about rather than be shared, so I'll leave it at that.

I hope to venture out to this aspect of an "outdoorsian" life in the near future. In the meantime,


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Inspired to Blog

I came across two inspiring blogs to make me think that blogging wouldn't be bad after all...

As I was putting in forth time registering and designing my blog, there was no doubt in my mind that it would come in handy in the future.

It's a bit different than posting a status on Facebook...

I wonder what I would see if I logged into XANGA for the first time in 10? years? On second thought, I'd rather not... I probably talked about girls or what not.

One of the blogs I came across was a guy that I know who is spending his time in Zambia on missions. He dedicates this verse as a representation of God's Holyness: "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling." Ps 68:5

The other blog that I came across gave me peace of God's forgiveness. I never had a chance to say this to her, but God redeems.

: God should be the author of our lives. However, we tend to make the most out of the situations that we're in by dealing with life on our own strength. We never get anywhere with that.
If anything, I've learned that our own decisions without the presence of God leads to hurt.
God leads us into the right people and helps us develop a friendship that lasts through the years, but the lack of wisdom and patience on our parts leads us without that special friend through the current years.

I know that she is doing well, but I've been missing that companionship. One day, I hope we can catch up. Isaiah 43.