Don't get me wrong, this theory, analogy, or idea may have been used by some pastor in the past, but just in case... I will publish my thoughts.
God's humor is eye opening because he's teasing us to be patient.
Hate traffic? Well it's even worse when you have a driver like my mom controlling the wheels while I'm in a world of frustration in the passenger's seat.
When I think about it, driving in traffic were the times I felt most sure that I would not get into an accident or be pulled over by the PO PO. Mind you that for about 2 years I was driving without a license (still can't get one). But after my second run in with the LAW I decided that enough was enough. My world will always be in the passenger's seat. Jesus, take the wheel.
God's humor is eye opening because he's teasing us to be patient.
Hate traffic? Well it's even worse when you have a driver like my mom controlling the wheels while I'm in a world of frustration in the passenger's seat.
When I think about it, driving in traffic were the times I felt most sure that I would not get into an accident or be pulled over by the PO PO. Mind you that for about 2 years I was driving without a license (still can't get one). But after my second run in with the LAW I decided that enough was enough. My world will always be in the passenger's seat. Jesus, take the wheel.
Give thanksgiving for the traffic in our personal lives. Without it, we would never be disciplined and obedient to God's will and purpose.
Would you rather get a speeding ticket, and follow the consequences of that laborious ticket rather than patiently wait for the traffic to slowly die out? Both circumstances seem unbearable; however, isn't one clearly better than the other?
Everyone runs into traffic; however what is your attitude when it's your car that comes to a halt on the freeway? Are you ready to give up? Want to take a risk on local lanes? Western and Wilshere, anyone?
On the freeway, give up your driver's seat to Jesus, so that you can release the strain of your eyes from pressing onward in the heavy and monotonous buffet of cars.
You feel the car lug forward. Time consuming traffic is no more. Brakes aren't needed any longer. It's so easy to want to drive again when you can pedal "80". Even then, boldly ask God to give you enough constraints in your life so that you can smooth sail "60".
In His waning hours on the Cross, Jesus cries out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34)
Only to realize, that God then fixated Jesus's eyes to cars coming the opposite way. Jesus joys in those who repent and clear away from ways of this world. Those in traffic were once stuck, but now released into the Mercy and Grace of His blood.
The Gate of Heaven has no traffic. I know my God wishes otherwise.
On the freeway, give up your driver's seat to Jesus, so that you can release the strain of your eyes from pressing onward in the heavy and monotonous buffet of cars.
You feel the car lug forward. Time consuming traffic is no more. Brakes aren't needed any longer. It's so easy to want to drive again when you can pedal "80". Even then, boldly ask God to give you enough constraints in your life so that you can smooth sail "60".
In His waning hours on the Cross, Jesus cries out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34)
Only to realize, that God then fixated Jesus's eyes to cars coming the opposite way. Jesus joys in those who repent and clear away from ways of this world. Those in traffic were once stuck, but now released into the Mercy and Grace of His blood.
The Gate of Heaven has no traffic. I know my God wishes otherwise.
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