The equation is simple.
The first person to invent the light bulb = Edison.
The first sight of light came from ___.
The first person to sin = Adam.
The first person to redeem and forgive us = Jesus.
Do you remember...
your first girlfriend/boyfriend?
-your first plane ride?
-when your first tooth fell out?
- Your first teacher?
-Your first best friend?
-your first impression of your first pastor?
the first time you got drunk?
the first time smoked weed?
the first book you read?
the first letter you wrote?
The first time you stole?
The first time you sinned?
The first time you read the Bible?
The first time you cussed out your parents?
The first time you watched porn?
The first time you masturbated?
The first time you lusted?
The first time you prayed?
The first time you received an A?
The first time you received allowance?
The first time sports team you joined?
The first school that you applied for college?
You first time you ever had breakfast in bed?
The first movie you ever saw?
The first time you broke someone's heart?
The first time you cried from watching your parents fight?
The first time you felt that life sucked?
The first time you went to church?
The first time you broke a bone in your body?
The first time you went to the hospital?
The first gift you've ever received?
The first miracle you've ever seen?
The first hug that meant the world to you?
The first compassionate act you've seen?
The first one who called you his/her child?
The first one who ever sacrificed something to you?
Cast your doubts away if you can't remember when your "first" moments were. Just make a bigger bucket list of "FIRST'S" to come.
But be intentional in the fact that the first thing you do may please or upset God.
Do you live according to the adage that praises first place finishers? Here's an applause from the world. Doesn't an applause always die out?
If your aiming to finish first in the world, you may be the first to be cast into the Lake of Fire.
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