
Saturday, July 31, 2010


"Sejin" is within quotation marks because there are so many ways to change it up:

You literally just say Jin: "Say Jin"

MY concept for my line of hybrid motel/hotels that will be launched in the near future: "Sage Inn"

My cool blog name that I invented: "SAGE IN TIME"

Have any more ways to spice up my name? Give me a shoutout!

- "Sage In n' Out"

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mammothian Perspective

So before I can't recollect the specifics of my Mammoth hiking trip from last Thurs - Sunday (7/22 - 7/25), I will share my account of it.

Mammoth has such depth and wonder in the summer time. I think it definitely beats the richness of snow.

I've never gone true hiking before, so my first experience was a Godly addiction for His beauty.

We came across Rainbow Falls and there was no doubt that to me that God's constant outpouring of love was a small representation of the massive waterfall. Near the Devil's Postpile were these gigantic formations of volcanic remnants that created such a visually pleasing observation. The city life provides some sort of organization and similarity whether it's restaurants, office buildings or cars, but the randomness of God's imagination was such a blessing to see.

On the second day, we went through the Ansel Adams' trail that seemed to be endless! About 75% of it seemed to slope dramatically one way meaning that we were screwed if we were to come back up! But how infinite is this land that we live on? My mind kept glorifying His name on this trail because I was a helpless and minuscule figure in such a vast area with impenetrable trees that stood above a bird's comfortable flying zone. And to my amazement there were so many young trees sprouting from the ground waiting to pursue and model after the trees way above them. The long living nature of trees is like our reward in Heaven!

All the ridiculous and funny moments seem more proper to be reminisced about rather than be shared, so I'll leave it at that.

I hope to venture out to this aspect of an "outdoorsian" life in the near future. In the meantime,


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Inspired to Blog

I came across two inspiring blogs to make me think that blogging wouldn't be bad after all...

As I was putting in forth time registering and designing my blog, there was no doubt in my mind that it would come in handy in the future.

It's a bit different than posting a status on Facebook...

I wonder what I would see if I logged into XANGA for the first time in 10? years? On second thought, I'd rather not... I probably talked about girls or what not.

One of the blogs I came across was a guy that I know who is spending his time in Zambia on missions. He dedicates this verse as a representation of God's Holyness: "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling." Ps 68:5

The other blog that I came across gave me peace of God's forgiveness. I never had a chance to say this to her, but God redeems.

: God should be the author of our lives. However, we tend to make the most out of the situations that we're in by dealing with life on our own strength. We never get anywhere with that.
If anything, I've learned that our own decisions without the presence of God leads to hurt.
God leads us into the right people and helps us develop a friendship that lasts through the years, but the lack of wisdom and patience on our parts leads us without that special friend through the current years.

I know that she is doing well, but I've been missing that companionship. One day, I hope we can catch up. Isaiah 43.